Cveti from "Expose": Music chooses you, it touches you and makes you feel different

Music chooses you, it touches you and makes you feel different, said Cveti Marinova, pop singer from the duet "Expose", in the English language morning block of BGNES.

"Music chooses you. We liked the music we listened to as kids. This style of music touches you and makes you feel different, it's our music. Every song on our album has a story and comes from the bottom of our souls, our true feelings," said Cveti.

She shared how the duet "Expose" was created with Svetoslav Vladimirov and what makes them different from the others.

"When we were kids we had the same dreams and we started fulfilling them together. We were probably 15, I don't remember exactly. Every dream can come true if you believe in it."

"I don't know what makes us different from others, but the fact is that we are. An artist shouldn't be afraid to express himself, he should do what comes from the heart. Music can touch every person," the artist added.

The singer talked about her success in North Macedonia and new productions in Romania.

"We were invited to a festival in North Macedonia and we appeared with our own song. Then Grigor Petrov invited us again and wrote the song we won with. I received very strong words from him and the other performers there. It was very important for us as musicians. Sometimes you don't trust yourself enough, that helped us a lot. Now we can rely more on our skills."

"Miroslav Enchev introduced us to these Romanian producers. They knew about us and told us we could go on the international stage. They gave us a song and we quickly decided to work together. I am very happy, there is a big music industry there," she said.

Cveti also shared details of what audiences can expect in the future and what inspires her.

"We're working on a second album now, there will be a lot of new songs coming out. The video is very much in our style, slightly provocative. The song will have a Bulgarian and an English version. 'If you dream' is called and will potentially be out next summer."

"The inspiration comes from the moment. From what I'm feeling at the time. After the pandemic when people were burning for 'touch'. During a show, that feeling came across very strongly to me, that whole emotion of the moment. That gave me the muse for the song," she shared.

For her, the biggest success is the love she conveys with her music.

"My biggest success is the love when on stage, when someone likes what I do. You see the success in people's hearts and eyes."

"You have to be true to yourself and true to the audience. You have to be different and work hard. It's difficult to define what it is to be an artist. But it's one of the best things in the world, you're more emotional than others, if you're not you can't make art. When you go on stage you have to feel the song," she concluded. /BGNES